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Friday, 27 July 2018

Difference between textile processing and textile engineering

Difference between textile processing and textile engineering.

Textile processing :
Textile processing is a part of fabric completion. Processing can be done on Fabric as well as Yarn. (Yarn is those threads which are used to manufavture or weave fabric(also called grey). So processing adds various properties to yarn or fabric. And most of the time processing is needed.
Textile engineering :
It is the field which works for development of new/existing yarns or fabrics. It includes most of the processes required to prepare a fabric or yarn(either coming up with some innovation or improving efficiency). Here you work with developing new kind of yarns which have extra qualities from its predecessors. You also try to improve quality of woven fabrics.
So textile Engineering is a huge field and processing is very important part of it. Now its upto you to inquire from the university what they are teaching and practicing.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Flow path of textile industries

2) weaving
3)chemical processing
(Bleaching, mercerization, dyeing, printing, finishing,folding)
4) garment preparation

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

printing paste ingredients

Ingredients of Printing:
Printing means localized application of dyes on the fabric according to design. For printing it is required to produce printing paste. Printing paste is a viscous paste which is made from pigments, thickeners and many of chemical. A good printing paste is mainly responsible for good printing effect. So it is very important to make a printing paste. There are different types of ingredients are used to make printing paste
Generally following ingredients are used in printing paste:
  1. Dyestuffs or pigment.
  2. Wetting agents.
  3. Thickener.
  4. Solvents dispersing agents.
  5. Defoaming agents.
  6. Oxidizing and reducing agents.
  7. Catalyst and oxygen carrier.
  8. Acid and alkali.
  9. Career and swelling agent.
  10. Miscellaneous agentPrinting Paste Ingredients and their Functions: 

    • Attraction of dyestuff to the fiber due to presence of auxochrome.
    • To achieve color effect on the fabric.
    • To produce required shade.
    Example: Vat, Azoic, Reactive, Direct dye etc. 

    2. Wetting agents: 

    • To wet the fabric as well as dyestuff.
    • To reduce surface tension of water allowing the dyestuff for easy penetration into fiber.
    • To obtain smooth paste.
    • To dissolve the dyestuff in the paste.
    Example: Olive oil, T.R oil, Caster oil, Lissapol N, Animal oil, Glycerine. 

    3. Solvents/Dispersing agents/Solution acids: 

    • To get bright design,
    • To assist dye penetration,
    • To spread dye molecules evenly in the paste,
    • Assist dye fixation,
    • To prevent aggregation of dye molecules in the highly concentrated of the dye.
    • To prevent precipitation.
    • To increase solubility of the dyes.
    • To make proper printing shade.
    Example: Urea, Glycerine, Desirable, Alcohol, Acetone, Diethylene glycol, Thio diethylene glycol. 

    4. Thickener: 

    • To give required viscosity to the printing paste
    • To prevent premature reactions between the chemicals contained in the print paste.
    • To hold the ingredients of the print paste on the fabric.
    Example: Na-alginate, Fine gum, British gum, CMC. 

    5. Defoaming agents: 

    • To prevent the foam generation during printing.
    Example: Silicone, Defoamers, Sulphated oil, Perminol KB, Emulsified pine oil. 

    6. Oxidizing agents: 

    • To develop the final color during steaming or in the subsequent after treatment.
    • Assists to dye fixation.
    Example: Sodium chlorate, Potasium chlorate, Sodium nitrate, Resist salt, Ammonium chlorite, Ludigol, Na or K dichromate. 

    7. Reducing agents: 

    • Used for reduction of different dyes.
    • Used for mainly in discharge printing.
    • To destroy color from the ground of fabric.
    • To make the insoluble dyes to soluble.
    Example: Sodium hydrosulphite, Stanus chloride etc. Rongolite-C. 

    8. Catalyst and oxygen carrier: 

    • To prevent fiber damage during steaming.
    • Accelerate the final color development by oxidation.
    • Reduce the risk of oxidation.
    Example: Copper sulphide, Ammonium vanadate, Potassium ferrocyanide. 

    9. Acids/Alkalis: 

    • To maintain pH.
    • To develop the color or printed fabric.
    • To fix dye on the fabric permanently.
    Example: Organic acid, Alkali KOH, NaOH, Na2CO3, Pottasium carbonate, Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium acetate. 

    10. Swelling agents: 

    • To create the big size holes of the fibers.
    • Helps to swell the fiber structure.
    • To reduce crystallinity.
    • Help the easy penetration of dye molecule inside the fiber polymer.
    Example: Polyethylene glycol, Phenols, DEGDA (Di-ethylene glycol diacetate) 

    11. Carrier: 

    • Used for fixing disperse dyes on polyester or polyester wool blends at temperature below 105oC.
    Example: Diphenol, Ortho-phenol, Tri-chloro benzene 

    12. Miscellaneous agent: 

    • Assist fixation of dyes.
    • Absorb moisture from air.
    • Facilitates subsequent washing off.
    Example: Urea, Glycerine etc. 

    13. Mild oxidizing agent: 
    During steaming of ago color, the partial color can be destroyed by the effect of reducing. To secure of this condition, mild agent is used. 

    Example: Ludigol, Resist salt. 
  11. Dyes/Pigments: 

uses of fixing agent in dyeing

After dyeing process, fabric has unfixed dyestuff on the surface and if it becomes final goods, it causes color migration when it is wet or during washing.Fixing agent is to be applied to dyed fabric to fix the unfixed dyestuff on fabric. It improves wet color fastness and fabric quality.

special finishes in textile


  • High Visibility
  • Flame Retardant
  • Electro conductivity
  • Moisture management
  • Anti static/ Anti bacterial/ Anti acid
  • Stain guard
  • Soil release
  • Water repellant
  • Enzyme wash
  • Mechanical finishes

Monday, 23 July 2018

textile engineering

Textile Engineering is about designing and controlling all aspects of fiber, textile & apparel processes, products, and machinery. It includes research & development, manufacturing and merchandising.  Textile Engineering combines the principles of engineering with specific knowledge of textile equipment and processes. This knowledge is then implemented for the processing and production of all kinds of textile fabric & yarns from textile fibres. Career paths in this domain include process engineering, R&D, production control, technical sales, quality control and corporate management.

types of commercial dyeing


Indigo DyeFabrics are the raw materials needed for necessary household items and clothing. But before it is tailored to different garments, fabrics are dyed in order to give a variety of colors, so that they can be transformed into the things we use and enjoy everyday.
There several ways of dyeing textile and fabrics on a commercial scale. Let’s look at some of them.

Direct Dyeing

Direct dyeing is the process of putting dye directly on textile without the use of an affixing agent. Both natural and synthetic dyes are used for this process.

Stock Dyeing

Stock dyeing is the process of dyeing fibers before it is spun. It is done by putting the loose material into large vats, which are heated to the appropriate temperature required for the process.
Stock dyeing is advisable if you want a heather-like effect, because it gives the weaver more control on the color as the fiber is being spun into yarn or wool. For instance, if you want to create a muted or milder version of the color, you can spin the dyed fiber with white material.

Top Dyeing

Top dyeing is another method of dyeing fiber or yarn prior to being spun. In this method, the short fibers are removed before the dyeing process. Top refers to the long fibers of wool from which the short ones were removed from and used for worsted yarn.

Yarn Dyeing

As its name suggests, yarn dyeing is the process of putting color into yarn before it is woven or knitted into fabrics.

Skein Dyeing

Skein dying is a way of dyeing yarn through dipping skeins or loosely wound hands of yarns into dye vats. Yarns used for knitting are typically processed this way.
Skein dyeing is one of the oldest and expensive methods of coloring yarn, but it remains significant for it can color small portions of yarn.

Package Dyeing

Package dyeing is another way to dye yarn. It takes place while a yarn is wound on a small spool or tube, which is referred to as the package. Several packages of yarn can fit into a dyeing machine at once, which makes the process less expensive. However, package dyeing may result to less soft yarns.

Warp Beam Dyeing

Warp dyeing is a more economical way of dyeing larger batches of yarn. It works by wounding an entire warp beam onto a perforated cylinder, which will be put in a dyeing machine.

Garment Dyeing

Garment dyeing, as its name implies, is the dyeing of complete garments such as shirts. It is performed by placing garments into mesh or net bags and immersing them into vats of dye. Garments inside the bag should be loosely packed for even coloring. This type of dyeing method is not suitable for tailored clothing such as suits and dresses due to possible distortion.

different types of printing

1 Engraved Roller printing 2 Screen printing 3. Stencil printing 4.Block printing 5 Spray printing 6. Heat transfer or thermal transfer printing 7. Direct to garment digital printing (DTG) 8 Printing with inkjet printers 9. Sublimation transfer printing. 10 Photo Printing

What is organic cotton * Organic cotton  is generally defined as  cotton that is grown organically in subtropical countries such as Turkey...