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Friday, 27 July 2018

Difference between textile processing and textile engineering

Difference between textile processing and textile engineering.

Textile processing :
Textile processing is a part of fabric completion. Processing can be done on Fabric as well as Yarn. (Yarn is those threads which are used to manufavture or weave fabric(also called grey). So processing adds various properties to yarn or fabric. And most of the time processing is needed.
Textile engineering :
It is the field which works for development of new/existing yarns or fabrics. It includes most of the processes required to prepare a fabric or yarn(either coming up with some innovation or improving efficiency). Here you work with developing new kind of yarns which have extra qualities from its predecessors. You also try to improve quality of woven fabrics.
So textile Engineering is a huge field and processing is very important part of it. Now its upto you to inquire from the university what they are teaching and practicing.

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